Now, why
Eve opted for Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, I could never quite figure
out. I mean, there was another tree in
Paradise: the Tree of Life. And one
thing I could really go for is more Life and less Knowledge. Oh well. Maybe she
was hungry. Or maybe I should just accept that the Devil made her do it. Lord
knows I’ve used that excuse….

In fact,
a week ago I was prepared to proclaim the nomination of Salamander Grinch a
mere formality. He was surging in both the national and Florida polls. And, let’s face it, Mitt Romney is the
political equivalent of Michael Bolton: as long as he’s in the background no
one notices, but as soon as someone turns up the volume the chorus shrieks, “Turn
that shit off!... Now!” And, hey, for
all the toxicity of Cynops, the firebelly Newt, no one would ever condemn this
half-man/half-serpent as anything less than entertaining. I mean, despite
Milton’s best intentions, Satan steals the Epic…and it is for this reason that
William Blake once said that “Milton was of the Republican Party without having
known it.” Can you imagine the sorts of galling insults that the Gingrich
campaign would have trotted out in an attempt to beat President Obama? My guess
is that by the time November rolled around, Stephen Colbert’s parodies of
SuperPAC attack ads would have seemed quite sober by comparison.
But, alas,
Newt seems poised to lose tomorrow. It
seems that the Serpent’s lisp has not succeeded in seducing us sufficiently…
never fear folks. For those of you who
hate the Kenyan, European, Socialist, Fascist, Jeremiah Wright lovin’ Muslim
Obama, the GOP has something for even better than Newt fucking Gingrich: Mitt
I know,
I know. He’s boring. But hear me out.
Ya see
Satan is Evil. He has a moral code…whereas Mitt has none. Whatever you need him
to say he believes to get elected, that’s what he will say. He will distance himself from Reagan and then
extol Reagan. He will sign RomneyCare and then oppose ObamaCare. He is pro-choice
then pro-life. He's for Senate Bill 5 and then against it. ...that’s just off the top of my head. And
the challenge isn’t in any attempt to figure out what he really believes, because Mitt Romney doesn’t believe anything at all...other than that he should win. Mitt Romney is even
better than Evil: he’s a Sociopath.
Children, he’s the ultra-rich son of Governor that’s been running for
President longer than my daughter has been alive. Not only does he not care
about the poor: he has no concept of the problems that they face, and, even
better, he doesn’t care. And really, what’s worse than hating the Other? I’d say that it’s just not giving a shit
about them. Satan wanted God and Man to
feel like he felt. Boring old Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t hate anybody: he just
wanted to molest your corpse and then eat you.
Come on
GOP! You don’t want to make liberals
miserable. Hello! Been there, done that.
Does George W. Bush ring any bells?
No, no. You
want to cut us out entirely…and then molest our corpses…and then eat us. That’s the only suitable revenge for our
having elected an African-American moderate to the Presidency. Romney 2012.
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